Small Tree In A Much Larger Forest...

Dearest and Most PreciousWhen Wendie first invited me to The Artist In You!, I checked out the page and I liked it, but, I felt like I wouldn't fit in as my main medium was words. Then I thought, since I had started taking photographs, I could contribute with them and get some feedback on whether they were any good or not. Before I could do that, The Artist In You! had a poetry contest. I don't believe I joined in the first round. When it came up again, I shared some 'words of art' and then some photographs and more poems.

I was really enjoying the variety of artists that I was getting to know on The Artist In You! through their marvelous work. The Artist In You! opened up a whole new world of contemporary artists (each with their own unique talent and vision). One week, as I perused the works that were being shared, I was so inspired that, without thinking, I blitzed some of them with 'drive by poetry'. Afterwards, I wasn't sure how my blitz would be received. So...I apologized just in case I had offended anyone. Luckily no one was offended (at least no one admitted to being offended and Verlie Murphy even said I could pair her paintings with my poems anytime).

I have learned a lot about how to present yourself and your art professionally from Robert Harris (the importance of a great bio – I know mine could still be better) and Tracie Koziura (how to present your work on the internet accessibly for maximum exposure – she still helps me with layouts on the TAIY blog that have then helped me understand the issues with my own personal blog).

As The Artist In You! started to morph into the vision Wendie has for it, a lot of the visual artists weren't understanding the concept behind the changes – especially the focus on the blog. The blog made sense to me because I am an avid fan of Bob Baker who (through his seminars, books, e-mails, tweets, etc.) coaches musicians, bands, authors on ways of marketing and successfully selling their products using the internet and other methods available specifically tailored to today's challenging market. One of his mantras has been to connect with your fans and sell the story not the product. The The Artist In You! blog is the perfect way to sell the story behind the painting, photograph, music, etc. to generate interest. I am technically challenged and the The Artist In You! team has been and continues to be an invaluable resource. I am so grateful to everyone here.

The next bone of contention, so to speak, is not allowing links off the The Artist In You! pages. This, also, makes sense to me as you don't put the cart before the horse or add the roof while you are still building the foundation. The Artist In You! is a work in progress building the foundations for the various media vehicles (horses) that will then bring our art (paintings, photos, words, videos, music/audio, etc. - products in the carts) to those who are interested in it. It takes time to build solid foundations, amass product and generate enough excitement to attract end users (collectors, fans, readers) and we, as participating artists, are asked to do our part to make this endeavor a success without forgetting that helping others is a major component of this vision, i.e. Art 4 Good.

The Artist In You! and the artists I have met through The Artist In You! encourage me to be more creative, push me to learn more and let me know that my creative work is worth more than just a pat on the head. I have met and continue to meet amazing people at The Artist In You! and I am so blessed to be a small part of this most awesome project and community. Thank you Wendie!!!!

Alice Vedral Rivera
The Artist In You Blog!