Mistletoe Berries cross stitch chart
Mistletoe is a parasitic plant which grows on a wide range of host trees and commonly reduce their growth but can kill them with heavy infestation.
Mistletoe leaves and young twigs are used by herbalists, and it is popular in Europe, especially in Germany, for treating circulatory and respiratory system problems.
According to ancient Christmas custom, a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of Mistletoe were obliged to kiss - this may originally have been a Scandinavian custom.
I created this cross stitch as part of a series of four Berry designs - the other three were Holly, Juniper and Rowan.
The downloadable ZIP file for this cross stitch chart contains a full black and white symbol chart, key and thread requirements along with a conversion chart from Anchor to DMC threads.
Download "Mistletoe Berries" cross stitch chart
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